Frequently Asked Questions | FAQ get your answers

Kindly read all the Frequently Asked Questions before proceeding to make a purchase on this website. If you have any other questions apart from what is mentioned in FAQs list, kindly get in touch with us on email or whatsapp. We will be very happy to clear your doubts.

If you just saw a product and were not able to place the order, the chances are that the product might have been bought by some one else is now Out of Stock. If you like a product, just buy it!

It could be possible that we come to know after you place the order, that shipping is not available for your address. In such case, we will make a refund within 3 days of placement of order.

To get you the best deals, we also source products from surpluses/lots. Even after our best efforts, some products may carry minor defects like minor cut or being a little soiled. Some may need cleaning/ironing. Some products may not carry branding or tags. We transparently mention the quality of products in the product page. Please make sure to read about the condition of the product before placing the order. You can WhatsApp for more information on any product.

As a policy, no cancellation of order is allowed. But in case if the order is placed inadvertently or by mistake, send the cancellation request by WhatsApp immediately. If the product is not dispatched by then, we will cancel and credit the amount in your account.

In case if you have not received your order for any reason, please get in touch with by email or whatsapp. We will follow through with logistic partner for update and revert.

Due to Covid 19, We have a strict policy of No Return/No Exchange. Please check all the details provided in product page and ensure that the product is suitable to you. We are responsible for any mismatch between information provided and actual product. You can also get in touch with us on Whatsapp before placing the order.

You can use your wallet balance payment like any other mode. You can unselect the Wallet button if you do not want pay through wallet for any particular purchase

We accept payments through all major Debit/Credit Cards, UPI, Payment Wallets and Net Banking. Please use suitable option. There is no Cash on Delivery Option available on our website.